
Monday, January 18, 2010

Reflexology - An Overview

Dana giving reflexology treatment to Anna.

If the eyes are the window of the soul, then the feet must be the doorways to one's overall health and well being.  Reflexology is a relatively new healing modality, as it has more or less evolved into being in the mid twentieth century.  Its roots are derived from acupuncture which dates back roughly to 2500 B.C. in China.

In essence, the feet are mapped out to connect to different organs and systems within the body.  It is believed that by massaging, kneading, stroking and putting pressure on different points on the soles of the feet and toes that the practitioner can aid in releasing tension, toxins and to some degree sickness from the body.  It can also help the mind relax and create balance to systems in the body that are either under or overactive.  

A summary of the body's systems that are worked on are as follows:  nervous system, glandular system, sinuses, eyes and ears, muscular skeletal, respiratory, excretory system, digestive systems, lymphatic systems, and the circulatory system.

What will usually happen when you come for a treatment with a reflexologist is the practitioner will likely have you sit down across from them, or perhaps lie down and have you remove your shoes and socks.  They will then spray your feet with a cleansing and deodorizing spray which contains alcohol, essential oils and witch hazel.

After this, they will begin to apply gentle but firm pressure on the different pressure points that connect to different areas in the body.  As the patient, you may feel some minimal pressure on these points but often there will be one or two or more areas that the pressure is more sharp or painful. The therapist may also feel an area that is a bit uneven or built up.  They will take note of these areas, perhaps ask a few questions about your health history or diet and exercise patterns to find out more about what is going on.  They will return to some of the troubled areas once they've been through all the systems and work on them a little more until some of the pressure and tenderness subsides.  They may also give you a few suggestions to help improve the health in these areas.

You can get a reflexology treatment from a student at the Institute of Aromatherapy for $35.00 or $45.00 for a treatment with an advanced graduate student.

Information provided by Dana McGlynn, B.A.
Student at the Institute of Aromatherapy
You can make an appointment by calling 416-698-5850
Dana is available for appointments on Saturdays in the Toronto Beach area

If you would like to read more about reflexology, we suggest the following:

Stories the Feet Can Tell (1938) and Stories Feet Have Told (1945) published by Eunic Ingham

Reflex Zone Therapy of the Feet (1974) published by Hanne Marquardt

Reflexology Today - The Stimulation of the Body's Healing Forces Through Foot Massage published by Doreen Bayly

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