
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Elizabeth Grant - Skin Care Line

Elizabeth Grant's humble beginnings as a product developer started after the Battle of Britian during World War II in London, England when due to an unfortunate circumstance, one side of her face and neck were hit by the shrapnel of a bomb. This caused her to have devastating scarring which put a damper on her career as a well known make-up artist in downtown London, England. Due to the high personal embarrassment of being in the fashion industry with face scarring, she temporarily stepped back from  her career and it was during this time that she found a solution for her skin problems.  She eventually came across a doctor who gave her a salve which contained a type of sea kelp to help heal her face.  She discovered incredible results after using this remedy and found the courage to return to work.

The developer and spokesperson for these fine products is therefore an unexpected English grandmother who described herself as "Having a light bulb go off in her head" one day when a client gave her a compliment on her skin (This was after her scarring was repaired.) and this is what gave her the idea to develop the remedy into what is a leading skin care product which is now available internationally.

In order to have good make-up, you need to have solid skin care. This is a product line I have been purchasing off the Canadian Shopping Channel for about four years now and I can truly say that no other product on the market today makes me happier. I particularly enjoy the Biocollasis line of products.   She also has a line with caviar, vitamin C and Biocollasis with Gold, to name a few. If you have a problem spot, chances are she carries a product to solve just about any skin issue. Below is a look at her luxurious day and night creams.

The primary ingredient in each of her products is a seaweed from the ocean floor called Torricelumn which is harvested several times a year.  Not only does it keep my skin incredibly moisturized but it also keeps my skin brighter.  I have no crow's feet (now that I am fresh out of my 30s) and it keeps my complexion free of blemishes at the same time. I am also an avid fan because the product line contains no perfumes which I usually find irritating when it comes to skin creams.  I also prefer her cleansers and toners over any other brand.  She describes them as treatments and not just cleansers.  I can advise you that the product does deliver and I feel as if I have lost my best friend whenever I let supplies run out.

I look at Elizabeth as a successful and stylish woman who has an astounding life and career. When she comes on the air, she brings special packages for sale to "all her girls", which is how she affectionately addresses each of her very loyal customers.  Even though she is well into her eighties, she speaks passionately about her products.  I am proud to say that I am one of her girls.

I am happy to share a link to her website below and hope that you will one day give her products a try as I know you will not be disappointed.  Thank you Elizabeth Grant! I would like to wish you a very happy birthday on January 27th as I know you will be in Toronto during that time.  I love your products!

This post is dedicated to Ms Grant and our new English blogger friends including Grace London, Miss Worthy, Miss Chevious, British Beauty Blog and Helen & Sheenie. We enjoy reading your posts and learn a lot from all of you.


  1. I just posted about Elizabeth Grant this weekend too. Loving the products that I've been able to try.


  2. Great post Anna, this brand is new to me, I'll take a look at the website x

  3. Tracey takes the credit for this one. She swears by Elizabeth Grant. Thanks for the feedback!

  4. Thanks for your comments Lipstick Rules!

  5. Replica, if you give these products a try, I would like to know what you think! I will focus on her again some time.
