
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Please Support Relief for Haiti

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and now the country has been almost destroyed by an earthquake.  Around the world people are rallying to help through telethons, special concerts, direct donations. Today at my workplace our manager who is an amazing baker brought in two very large containers of cookies and sold them to raise money for the Red Cross.  Within no time the cookies had vanished and a tidy sum had been raised to donate to the Haiti relief.

By clicking on the picture in the sidebar you will be taken directly to a Red Cross site where you can make an online donation.  Even $5.00 or $10.00 will add up in the long run.

To all our blogging friends, please add this widget to your template. It is available from Blogger Buzz as a widget and can be added to your template just by clicking and saving it into your template.

Help is coming to Haiti from around the world, but it is going to take a long time to rebuild, so every donation counts.

Thank you, spa readers!

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